If you are a highly-motivated student interested in my research areas, I would be very happy to discuss funded Ph.D. research opportunities for Fall 2023.
Students with a strong background and interest in stochastic systems, system identification, structural health monitoring, and machine learning are encouraged to contact me via email.
Essential elements are the motivation and intellect of the student.
The generic focus of the group is the development of novel intelligent aerospace and mechanical systems that can “feel,” “think,” and “react” based on high-resolution state-sensing, awareness, and self-diagnostic capabilities. The main research thrusts span the areas of (i) dynamic data-driven methods for stochastic system identification and “smart data” analysis, (ii) probabilistic structural health monitoring diagnostics and prognostics, and (iii) novel bio-inspired intelligent & autonomous aerospace systems with state-awareness and self-diagnostic capabilities.
If you are not an RPI student yet, you can find admissions information here. I’m happy to talk with prospective Ph.D. students and discuss research opportunities. You are welcome to reach me via email.